
Happy 2011!

I love the new year and the fresh start it brings, but I also love reflecting back. I tend to think back on my year and accomplishments more on my birthday, so because this is the end of a decade (um, weren't we just worrying about Y2K like last year?) I have been thinking more about that. This past decade has been all about learning to drive, figuring out boys, figuring out myself, earning degrees, traveling, fun times, eye-opening experiences, new jobs, many new homes, lots of friends, and so much love. I can only imagine that the next decade will bring much of the same, but I'm at the point in my life where my friends and I are turning a corner, and I have a feeling that this next decade will bring more weddings, mortgages, less new jobs, and babies.

Last year I said that I don't like resolutions and prefer to be in a constant state of improving myself (sounds a bit elitist now ha). This year I actually have resolutions, but I'm trying to make them narrow enough so that I can feel some sense of accomplishment with each.

Resolutions for 2011:

1. Eat less white sugar. I'm a total sugar baby, but I'm going to make a conscious effort to say no more.

2. Take more photographs. I got an awesome camera for Christmas last year and I want to take advantage of its features more. Sometimes I get so busy living life that I forget I might want to relive it at some point.

3. Get into good music again. I ran with a fairly artistic crowd in college and would always have new good music passed on to me. Since then I have become such a Top 40 girl.

4. Use the subject line of emails. Simple.

5. Train for something. Anything. Since racing nearly every weekend in high school and college, I have literally run 3 races (one of which was the Chicago Marathon, which hardly counts as a "race."). Although I still run many times a week, I have lost the competitive drive and would like to get that back.

6. Keep my apartment clean on a daily basis. Every weekend it seems as if I'm spending several hours cleaning (including today; I'm starting my new year spic and span) and it would be nice to do just a bit each night.

7. Procrastinate less. Today.

Judging by my celebration last night to ring in 2011 (I am sore head to toe from the amount of dancing that took place), it should be a good one.

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