1. Use warm, earthy tones- coral, peach, tan, cocoa- for a cozy atmosphere and natural blues and greens for a tranquil atmosphere. Accent shades of pinks and reds increase romance in the bedroom

2. The positioning of the bed is crucially important. The bed should be positioned as to increase the feeling of safety and security. It should be away from the door and against a secure wall; a strong headboard provides additional strength. A bed should not be against a window, as it is thought that energy enters and exits through the window. Most crucially, the foot of the bed should not face the door. The Chinese call this the "Death Position" because the deceased are carried out of a room feet first, and this position is thought to drain your life force.
3. Bedroom furniture should have curves, not corners. Corners create a "sharp" environment and direct negative energy directly at your sleeping body.
4. Rid yourself of clutter. Excess objects in a room are thought to impede your progress in life. Don't store things under the bed because it can block energy from flowing. Placing plants in corners prevents energy from "stagnating" there. Also, consider what memories cling to the objects in your bedroom and get rid of anything that does not have a positive memory attached to it.
5. The bedroom is a place for rest and relaxation. TVs, phones, computers, and work stations are not welcome. If you must, hide any connections with the outside world or work from view with a pretty screen.
6. Create a space full of pairs and symmetry, especially if you are looking for someone else to share it with. If you are truly looking for a partner, the far right corner of your bedroom is called the "love center," an area where you should build a "shrine to love" with a photo, a pair of candles, or anything else romantic. Note: you probably shouldn't ever admit to anyone that you have a "shrine to love" in your bedroom.
7. Place beautiful art on the wall opposite your bed- something that makes you feel inspired. Only display photographs of people who sleep in the room. Also, a mirror should never be placed opposite or over the bed because it bounces too much energy around the room and is thought to magnify problems and worries. Plus, a mirror could negate all the work of your "shrine to love"- some say that mirrors in the bedroom can invite a third party in your relationship.
8. Light right. The room should have a lot of natural light during the day, especially a lot of sunshine in the morning, soft light in the evening, and pure darkness while you sleep.
9. Create a place that appeals to all your senses. Fill the bedroom with smells, sounds, materials that you love. Keep the air fresh.
After my quick lesson on feng shui, I'll admit that I didn't actually change anything; I just gave myself a pat on the back for all the elements I happened to already have going on in my bedroom. I'm not sure how much I believe that placing a pink pillow on my bed (which definitely wouldn't match my earthy tan and soothing green decor) will improve my romantic life, or that my boyfriend is going to cheat on me because I won't remove the mirror that I probably can't live without. However, the mindfulness that goes into de-cluttering and reorganizing your bedroom will certainly have a positive effect on your life, and any action will make you feel a little bit better. It did the trick for me and got rid of my St. Louis blues.